11 June 2009

Shameless Plug

I had my first rehearsal for Showtime on the Showboat tonight, and I am officially excited!

The show is a short melodrama for kids, and for those of you who need a reminder, a melodrama is a story that has a villian in a mustache and a cape who wants to steal the heart of the dame, but is foiled by the hero of the story, and a pianist playing music to match the mood. Showtime is SO cute and after rehearsal tonight, it's, unlike our other shows so far, VERY enjoyable from the adult perspective as well. I high recommend you guys see it.

Showtime on the Showboat runs July 11, 18 and 25 and August 1 at noon. Tickets are $5 each, and you get a free hot dog for every ticket purchased! Come see the show, and bring your friends!

Signing off,

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