25 March 2010

R.I.P. Marty

At around 3:20 am this morning, my cousin was shot in a car jacking at a gas station in Sauget, Illinois, and died this morning in the hospital when they couldn't stop the bleeding. I spent the morning at the hospital with my family, and the rest of the day at school. I don't feel like getting into details...there are six or seven articles floating around if you're curious.

It feels really surreal. It hasn't really sunk in yet (probably because I didn't get to see him before he went to the medical examiner) and because of the horrible circumstances. Death, is always horrible, but he was taken so unfairly, and way too soon. He was 23 and had just joined the Army and was about to leave in two weeks.

Right now, I feel sad, but mostly like I should be watching some other family suffer through this on the news, rather than dealing with the grief alongside my own family.

There's a big investigation happening. Major Case Squad and all. So I guess, hopefully, I'll have some updates on this.

23 February 2010

Get Well Soon

Not having a car to drive is painful. Sally is in the shop getting fixed today. She needs two new tires, and fixing of her alignment. Which, assuming nothing else is wrong with her, means I'm only without her today.

I REALLY hope nothing else is wrong with her.

Get well soon, Sally Skylark. I miss you.

21 February 2010


I am also applying for an internship with Ozark Actors Theatre. It is a theatre in Rolla where a few friends of mine work every summer. I really want it. I love St. Louis, but I want to go away for the summer. In Rolla, I'll be out of St. Louis but only about 45 minutes away from the farm - which is the best place on earth.

I'll be gone for the summer - which means missing the core of Marble Stage's seasson. That's sad, because it'll be the first summer in five years that I won't be on stage with them. It's a big change. It's a little scary, too.

But I REALLY want to go.

I just sent in my resume today. I also might audition - but we'll see. I hope I'll hear something this week - I have no idea how long this will take, but I think they are really trying to get the ball rolling with hiring. So I hope I find out this week.

Holy. Crap.

Toto, We're Not In Kansas Anymore

I really need to learn how to keep blogging up for more than a couple of months.

So, last you heard, Closet Land was invited to the Region V American College Theatre Festival. It was one of four productions. The week we spent in Kansas was also the best week of my life. I quite literally have never been happier.

From the first day that we got there, whenever anyone at the festival found out that we were from Meramec, they would ask us tons of questions about the show and tell us how excited they were to see it. We were all brimming with anticipation all week (we weren't to put the show on until Thursday).

We passed the time well - there were shows to see, workshops to attend, a pool, hot tub and sauna, a workout room and a racquet ball court. And we also just hung out in our rooms a lot. I didn't even sleep in my own room for over half of the trip.

That being said, I've never been so blessed to work with such a wonderful crew. I mean, I've never worked with a bad crew, but the Closet Land crew, we all get along with ease, and we all enjoy each other's company. There is no tension, no arguing. We couldn't be happier working together on this exceptionally stressful (and emotionally draining) production. It was a great week!

And Thursday came. Our wake up call started at 5:00am, and we had to take all of the moisture and temperature sensitive equipment we were keeping in the hotel and reload it back onto the truck and bus. Then we rode over to the college to start our load-in at 7:00am sharp. We worked straight through the day with staggered short breaks, until about 5:30. By then we had finally finished our build and tech. We then took a short dinner break before our 6:00 call then it was back to the theatre. Our creepy preshow started at 7:00 and the show started with a bang (literally, courtesy of me! XD) at 7:30. Then after the show ended, we had a break while a short awards ceremony happened, after which we immediately struck the set until about 1:00am.

And then we went back to the hotel and partied till sunrise!

Kansas was great. Friends, fun, great food, parties, ridiculous times, a new boy?

But, sadly, we're not in Kansas anymore. We all miss it. We'd all love to take Closet Land back on the road.

Maybe we can. Closet Land was held for judging to go to the national festival and get put on at the Kennedy Center. We find out this week.

Holy. Crap.

14 December 2009

Back To The Closet!

I just got the e-mail from Michelle... Closet Land has been invited to the Region V American College Theatre Festival (ACTF) in January!!

This is really exciting. I've never taken a show on the road before. Plus, show or no show, ACTF is really fun. I believe it is in Overland Park, KS this year. Ahhhhhh! We have a meeting tomorrow afternoon. I'm so grateful to have even the littlest of backstage roles in this show.

In other news: I finally talked to Ryan. That was hard. But, I basically explained to him my situation, and just the emotional state I'm in at the moment. He seemed disappointed but I think he understands. I may have just salvaged that friendship after all. We'll see.

And quite possibly the most important news of all: Sausage, Egg and Cheese Biscuits from quick trip are FIRE.

10 December 2009

Mommy Dearest

Dear Mom,

I just hung up on you after you yelled at me with no reason. Why did you call me back eight times in a row? I know you. I know it's not important. I know you just want another excuse to be upset with me because you're in a bad mood and dad won't be home tonight, so you can't take it out on him. (Remind me to warn Tom to stay away.) OF COURSE I'm going to ignore your call. You already constantly text and call me. I deeply regret teaching you how to text. I know I still live in your house and so you deserve to know where I go, but seriously, leave me alone.


03 December 2009


I had to wake up and go to school early to prime my flat since I forgot to do it yesterday. I knew Rick would be there and I thought he's give me crap for waiting till the last minute. Instead, he showed me what we were doing in class that day so that I could do that early as well and be able to leave early. Verdict: awesome!

The shows went awesome. Although I think they were a little confused by the latter, the audience loved both Superhero and Drive. I got a lot of compliments from friends and teachers who saw the show. Verdict: awesome!

I've been DYING to get tickets to Star Wars in Concert. They've been talking about it on the radio for months, and I've heard a lot of good things about it. I've been trying and failing to win radio contests and I was very close to caving in and buying the tickets myself. I got home twenty minutes ago, to discover an e-mail from my choir teacher telling us about a phone call he received. This phone call invited members of his choir to perform at the concert. I don't just get to see most of it for free...I get to PERFORM in it! Verdict: AWESOME!

My day: AWESOME!