13 April 2009

Planet of the Dead

(I won't be explaining the plot of the episode, but would still beware spoilers, starting NOW.)

"Your song is ending, sir. It is returning. It is returning through the dark. And then, Doctor, he will knock four times."
- Carmen, from Planet of the Dead

And so begins David Tennant's final stretch in his most celebrated role as the Doctor. I must admit that I think my expectations were too high for Planet of the Dead. I think, in an ordinary season (not this season of specials) where I was unaware of impending regeneration, I would have very much enjoyed this episode. I'm sure they will get better. I really liked the foreshadowing at the end (see quote). It was pleasantly creepy and it's so nice to have something to babble on about while we wait for the Waters of Mars.

What is returning? The Master? Davros? The Weeping Angels? Dalek or Cyberman, yet again? The Doctor was warned throughout the past season about the darkness. The Ood, also last season, told the Doctor, "Your song must end soon." And if you haven't already connected the four knocks, just think back to theMaster's hypnotic drumming from season three.

The Doctor also told Lady Christina that he would never bring another companion onto the TARDIS. This surely won't last forever. The question is, when will he break? Who do we want to see back? Lady Christina has already asked (and she is a rumored possibility), but personally, at this point I want to see Malcom join the Doctor. I enjoyed his character a lot.

And last - will Donna be back? She's rumored to have been seen on set. She could just be visiting...but is she filming?

This will be a long wait...Novemberish. Expect a "nightmarish" episode. And hope for a release on Halloween?

Signing off,

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