20 April 2009

Orienting Goals

I'm double blogging tonight. I have put nearly every responsibility on hold while working on Pterodactyls. It's not that I couldn't handle it all; but I was having so much fun working on the show, and I didn't want to take away from that. Pretty pathetic excuse, eh?

But now it's time to buckle down. It's time to get stuff done.

A list of things I want to accomplish by 11:59 p.m. on May 31st:

1. Memorize Cinderella Goes Disco (by May 2nd)
2. Clean my room
3. Clean out my car, Bertha
4. Purge my clothing
5. Reorganize my clothing
6. Perform in Cinderella Goes Disco
7. Trick out the lounge in the mall space
8. Sing at the Crestwood Art Space opening
9. Call Jennifer about the job.
10. Pay Miranda for Paramore/No Doubt tickets
11. Pay Carrie for Rent tickets (by April 30)
12. Pay off credit card
13. Read five new books
14. Start running
15. Sell back books
16. Attend theatre banquet
17. Reconnect with at least one old friend
18. Pass playwriting
19. Finish That 70's Show
20. Buy a pretty dress

Signing off,

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