22 September 2009

Burning Dreams

I had a very strange dream last night.

We were having a sort of...family reunion on the third floor of my old grade school, St. George, except the rooms, which were most definitely on the third floor, looked more like the rectory rooms underneath the gymnasium across the street, set up and all. Also, a large portion of my extended family was black. My dad left and said he was going to pick up Cornbread from the 92.3 WIL morning show (which is weird because my dad hates that guy!). And then, some of us went downstairs to the parking lot, saw the American flag out front burning and falling off of the pole and realized the entire building was burning down, for a reason I never determined before I woke up.

Yeah. I was thoroughly confused when I woke up this morning.

18 September 2009

My Psycho-Pharma-cologist and I...

1. I have a doctor's appointment today. Icky. I don't like doctors. They just team up with the pharmacists to over-medicate America.

2. The opening of Come and Go went very well. I was very disappointed, though, that the crowd there to see us only included Michelle. A whole group from Theatre Club had said that they were going to be there, and we were very excited to see them. Oh well. Michelle enjoyed it, which is good, because she is our acting teacher. She had a lot of positive things to say.

3. I am applying today to work as a Museum Guide at the Magic House. I really hope I get this job. I really need the money, more and more every day, but even more so, it's just a job I would love to have. The Magic House is an awesome place, and I love kids. So getting to reveal the "magic" would be fun.

4. Along with my cast mates, I crashed a rehearsal of The Boy Friend, which turned out to be a horrible idea. Seeing how bad some of the cast of that show are made me feel horrible about my self. They are really better than me? That sounds horrible, but you think your talent is at a certain level and then you find out you are a lot worse than you thought - it's a crushing feeling.

5. I'm still managing to spend a bit of time with Paul even though I can't afford to be driving out to Collinsville. It helps that he has an excuse to be up here every night for a show, but I think once that's over, I'll start feeling guilty when he drives up here all of the time, because there's no telling when I'll be able to drive out there again. Even if I get hired at the Magic House, that'll probably take about a week, and then it'll be at least two weeks before I get a paycheck. And even then, I'll have to put ALL of that money into paying off my bank account.

15 September 2009



Every day.


11 September 2009

Eight Years.

Happy Friday! Well, it's not so happy, but at least it's Friday.

1. My bank account is overdrawn again. Fucking hell. I deposited enough money into my account to make it positive by about fifteen dollars, but apparently three charges still hadn't gone through. So now, the hole is deeper than ever. And I have until the thirtieth to get this fixed, because that's when my credit card payment gets taken out, and I can't afford to get behind on that again.

2. Still no job. I have a list of places that I am going to apply at...but the place I am hoping to work at is the Cheesecake Factory. It's delicious, for one. But the main reason is because I would like to be getting tip money. It would be nice to be taking home cash after a every shift, as well as getting a paycheck. Americans, we like instant gratification!

3. I am very interested in the response that Samuel Becketts "Come and Go" will get at the one act festival. It is very much an absurdist show and not at all what most people are going to be expecting.

4. I made it into Chamber Choir! This is Meramec's first Chamber Choir, and the first select choir in a long time. I was very worried about getting in, because he hardly had me sing at the come back, and it was very awkward because everybody noticed. Stupidly enough, I was so pessimistic that I actually sat through about half of the rehearsal pouting because I assumed I hadn't made it. But for once, I have something going for me. But we have very little rehearsal time, a total of about fifty minutes a week...it will be an interesting ride.

5. It's been eight years since the 9/11 tragedy. Some days it seems much further back in my memory, and some days it seems like yesterday. I remember that I was in sixth grade, and still going to St. George. When the first plane hit, I was in Ms. Knight's horrid English class and she was quite oblivious and didn't tune us in, so none of us knew anything about it. But then we went to second period Social Studies with Mr. Bettonville, who was of course tuned it. Oddly enough, I assumed it was fake news coverage from a movie that the eighth grade class had been watching. But when we never started class, it slowly dawned on be what was happening. That was scary and confusing and horrible to watch, but what scared me the most was the plane crash in Washington D.C., where one of my favorite uncles is a police officer, and has previously worked with the Secret Service. Fortunately, for my family, everything turned out okay. But the bigger picture was not so great. It is still so heartbreaking to think about all of the families ripped apart that day, all of the lives lost. Eight years later, my heart still goes out to everyone affected by this tragedy.

07 September 2009


Today was supposed to be the day I could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Today is the day the pool closed for the year. Although I do not have a job for the rest of the year yet, there will be no more dealing with being paid below minimum wage, and never getting my hours.

Today, I found out my bank account was negative. Very much in the negative.

Do I need to reiterate the fact that makes this even worse? I will, anyway: "I do not have a job for the rest of the year yet."

Today has been one big, fat "Gotcha!". Relief one second, horror the next.

Happy fucking Labor Day.

04 September 2009

Happy Anyway.

1. I find random people extremely frustrating lately. Absolutely frustrating and infuriating. For very little reason. No one who reads this that I know of (I think) so no worries to you. I don't really know why I do this. It always happens when I'm really happy, oddly enough. It's as if my mind doesn't want anyone around who isn't absolutely wonderful to be around. Sigh.

2. I've been sick the past couple of days. I had another one of my horrible headaches on Wednesday. I thought it was the usual headache, but instead of going away when it usually does, it, along with my nausea, got worse until I started getting shaky and dizzy and just had to go home. I ended up skipping Acting 2, which I really hate to do, because I had some work to do with Dennis and Holly. But I called them before class and they were really nice about it. I have to work really hard to save my absences in case something like this happens again.

3. Work is almost through. Not that it isn't through anyway, for me at least. I have worked a total of two hours and thirty minutes in the past week. This is horrible because I don't have a year-round job yet. And I need the work this weekend, but I'd almost rather not even bother. It's supposed to be rainy all weekend anyway. I probably won't even get called in today. We'll find out in about an hour or so.

4. My room is so, so close to being finished. I'm losing the will to finish it though. It's like, eh, I have a floor, good enough. If I could afford the loft bed I want (I showed you in a previous post) it would be a HUGE motivator. But I don't even have that much in my bank account. This is NOT good.

5. Despite how crummy life seems right now, overall, I'm still absolutely wonderful. I'm hanging out with new friends at school, I'm keeping in touch with new Oklahoma friends, things with Paul are wonderful and life is just pretty good, and even though 1-4 are pretty crappy, I just can't forget how blessed I am. :D

01 September 2009

Hello, September

I have had quite a frustrating start to September so far. Stagecraft was pretty dull, just going over definitions that I've known since the seventh grade, but not everyone in the class has done theatre before so I still have to "learn" them. It's not their fault to I don't really complain in class...so you get to listen to me bitch. :D

Shakespeare in Film was better than usual, mostly because it was a movie day and I'm actually enjoying Shakespeare in Love. Professor Burke really doesn't know when to shut up, though.

Choir was, surprisingly, the most frustrating part of my day. Apparently, no one in my section could follow the basic instructions on lining up to try out for Chamber. Also, it's extremely difficult to work with our accompanist when our director is otherwise occupied (with Chamber auditions). She's a wonderful accompanist, but she is very quiet, has trouble commanding the attention of the group (who admittedly should probably be old enough to sit down and pay attention a little better on their own) and doesn't really understand the problems we're having when we stumble across one. I was very ready for that class to end today.

And now, I'm off to work...the last place that I want to be. My schedule is fucked this weekend because when I was planning other things I had switched around my hours in my head. Shit.