18 September 2009

My Psycho-Pharma-cologist and I...

1. I have a doctor's appointment today. Icky. I don't like doctors. They just team up with the pharmacists to over-medicate America.

2. The opening of Come and Go went very well. I was very disappointed, though, that the crowd there to see us only included Michelle. A whole group from Theatre Club had said that they were going to be there, and we were very excited to see them. Oh well. Michelle enjoyed it, which is good, because she is our acting teacher. She had a lot of positive things to say.

3. I am applying today to work as a Museum Guide at the Magic House. I really hope I get this job. I really need the money, more and more every day, but even more so, it's just a job I would love to have. The Magic House is an awesome place, and I love kids. So getting to reveal the "magic" would be fun.

4. Along with my cast mates, I crashed a rehearsal of The Boy Friend, which turned out to be a horrible idea. Seeing how bad some of the cast of that show are made me feel horrible about my self. They are really better than me? That sounds horrible, but you think your talent is at a certain level and then you find out you are a lot worse than you thought - it's a crushing feeling.

5. I'm still managing to spend a bit of time with Paul even though I can't afford to be driving out to Collinsville. It helps that he has an excuse to be up here every night for a show, but I think once that's over, I'll start feeling guilty when he drives up here all of the time, because there's no telling when I'll be able to drive out there again. Even if I get hired at the Magic House, that'll probably take about a week, and then it'll be at least two weeks before I get a paycheck. And even then, I'll have to put ALL of that money into paying off my bank account.

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