04 September 2009

Happy Anyway.

1. I find random people extremely frustrating lately. Absolutely frustrating and infuriating. For very little reason. No one who reads this that I know of (I think) so no worries to you. I don't really know why I do this. It always happens when I'm really happy, oddly enough. It's as if my mind doesn't want anyone around who isn't absolutely wonderful to be around. Sigh.

2. I've been sick the past couple of days. I had another one of my horrible headaches on Wednesday. I thought it was the usual headache, but instead of going away when it usually does, it, along with my nausea, got worse until I started getting shaky and dizzy and just had to go home. I ended up skipping Acting 2, which I really hate to do, because I had some work to do with Dennis and Holly. But I called them before class and they were really nice about it. I have to work really hard to save my absences in case something like this happens again.

3. Work is almost through. Not that it isn't through anyway, for me at least. I have worked a total of two hours and thirty minutes in the past week. This is horrible because I don't have a year-round job yet. And I need the work this weekend, but I'd almost rather not even bother. It's supposed to be rainy all weekend anyway. I probably won't even get called in today. We'll find out in about an hour or so.

4. My room is so, so close to being finished. I'm losing the will to finish it though. It's like, eh, I have a floor, good enough. If I could afford the loft bed I want (I showed you in a previous post) it would be a HUGE motivator. But I don't even have that much in my bank account. This is NOT good.

5. Despite how crummy life seems right now, overall, I'm still absolutely wonderful. I'm hanging out with new friends at school, I'm keeping in touch with new Oklahoma friends, things with Paul are wonderful and life is just pretty good, and even though 1-4 are pretty crappy, I just can't forget how blessed I am. :D

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