01 September 2009

Hello, September

I have had quite a frustrating start to September so far. Stagecraft was pretty dull, just going over definitions that I've known since the seventh grade, but not everyone in the class has done theatre before so I still have to "learn" them. It's not their fault to I don't really complain in class...so you get to listen to me bitch. :D

Shakespeare in Film was better than usual, mostly because it was a movie day and I'm actually enjoying Shakespeare in Love. Professor Burke really doesn't know when to shut up, though.

Choir was, surprisingly, the most frustrating part of my day. Apparently, no one in my section could follow the basic instructions on lining up to try out for Chamber. Also, it's extremely difficult to work with our accompanist when our director is otherwise occupied (with Chamber auditions). She's a wonderful accompanist, but she is very quiet, has trouble commanding the attention of the group (who admittedly should probably be old enough to sit down and pay attention a little better on their own) and doesn't really understand the problems we're having when we stumble across one. I was very ready for that class to end today.

And now, I'm off to work...the last place that I want to be. My schedule is fucked this weekend because when I was planning other things I had switched around my hours in my head. Shit.

1 comment:

  1. It's a bit of a shame that our fearless leader didn't start us off on the songs first, but I think that the upside of that is that when he DOES come back, we'll already have a good idea of what we need to fix and work on.

    at least 2/3 of the songs are really awesome! jury is still out on the Ya ba la bomba song, though.
