28 August 2009


The Friday Five.

1. I auditioned for the musical, The Boy Friend, at Meramec last night. My singing went fairly well. After I sang my song, Myers had me sprint three laps around the stage and sing it again. Reading was alright. The dancing was hard. I've gotten really good at dancing in the past few years, but when I have to jump into a style of dance that I am unfamiliar with, it takes me a little longer than fifteen minutes to pick it up. I thought I was faking it a little better than I apparently was, but then again, theatre is like 99% rejection, and if you got into every show you auditioned for you wouldn't have anything to strive for. I am really disappointed that I didn't make it because I wanted to do this musical quite badly. And I just want to do any musical pretty badly. Better luck next year. Congrats to everyone who made it in!

2. Last night I also auditioned for our HEC one act, Come and Go by Samuel Beckett, and that audition was a success. I will be playing Vi. I only have about six or seven lines, but it's only about eight minutes long, and the other two characters have the same amount of lines. It's hard to explain, you kind of have to see it to understand. But I'm really excited. It goes up mid September, I'll definitely have more information on it as it nears.

3. It's really nice to see everyone at school and catch up. It was fun seeing Nicki. We aren't too close but we had to spend a lot of time together during Pterodactyls. I also caught up with Sean. And there are a few people from my Acting 1 class that I'm in classes with this semester once again. I think it's going to be quite a good few months.

4. I'm going to try and do some volunteering up at Bayless this year. I really hope Lulu goes for it. I'm leaning towards teaching theatre at the moment, so I want to do as much theatre as possible, especially in a school atmosphere. I really need to decide if I want to do this.

5. My throat is really phlegm-y today. Strangely phelgm-y, even for me, and my throat is pretty bad. It's really uncomfortable and icky. I hope I am not getting sick or anything. I've got a little too much going on at the moment, yikes!

Hacking away,

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