20 August 2009


The past few days have been absolutely wonderful. Out of a dream.

My current project is to get my room clean, hopefully before school starts, which only gives me until about 10:45 a.m. on Monday. Today, I started by cleaning out the floor of my closet, and moving this heavy, heavy dresser into my closet.It's still very messy looking, but you get the idea. It's a big dresser, but I think I am gaining more space by using it than I am losing. I fit some of my shoes back onto the floor, but I think I'll need to set up at least one level of shelving on each side to accomodate the rest. Thankfully I have a shoe organizer hanging on the back of my door that helps take care of some of them.

Next on my list is getting a loft bed. Now, I have been putting a lot of research into this bed. I know they can be kind of tricky, so I'm always checking measurements and such. And I've come up with a million different layouts for my room based around a loft bed. The downside of a loft bed is that they are often quite expensive. But it's fate. Today when I was shopping for nothing in particular at Walmart with Joker, I was telling her about my plans and about how much trouble I've been having finding an afforable loft bed, when we turned the corner and found it!

It's perfect. It's $169.00, and it fits with the meaurements I need. My mattress should fit, that's the last thing I need to check. It's wide enough for a desk to fit under (actually, I think the desk I already own will fit!), and the bed's platform is high enough for me to fit my lovely orange armchair under. I want it. I need it!

Also on the wishlist:
- A mini-fridge (If I can fit one somewhere)
- This really cool shower curtain because I can't stand that we have no shelving in our shower.
- A lamp for under the bed
- A rug
- A clock
- A dry erase and/or bulletin board
- Curtains
- String lights
- A array of picture frames
- Floor pillows/cushions
- A dustbuster
- A set of luggage
- A fabric steamer

And there are a million other things I want but shouldn't really even be thinking about. So, for now, I'll be leaving you.

Planning the night away,

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