23 August 2009

Bonus: Sunday Seven!

Oops...I forgot the Friday Five this time around...instead...you get a Sunday Seven!

1. Children of the Earth: Oh. My. Gosh. Iaaaanto, why, baby, why? I miss you. CotE was a thrilling ride, but I was still really disappointed in the week-long season. I feel like the fans got shafted out of a real season. At least with the janky season of Doctor Who specials, it's spread it. Torchwood this season was such a one-shot, even if we did spread it out over a few weekends. I feel like Gareth David-Lloyd really got jipped, too, not even getting a full last season.

2. I am slowly making progress on my room? I phrase that as a question because I am not sure how well the word "progress" actually describes it. I've gotten rid of an awful lot of clothes, hung up all my dresses and pants and organized some of my clothes into the very heavy dresser that I single-handedly moved into my room, and picked up some trash and old papers. But I've still got a pile of clothes left to be organized, millions of papers, and books, and decorations. I have to figure out how I'm going to get that bed and also how to organize hats and scarves and the excess of shoes that I have. Plus, I have no idea what to do with all these fucking hangers. They'll probably all go to Marble Stage eventually.

3. I still need to find a new job. Indian Hills is very quickly winding down for the season, not that I'm getting many hours anyway in this weather. I am running out of money fast. Thankfully, I've made an arrangement with Greg to trade my services (Cleaning! Get your mind out of the gutter.) for voice lessons, an hour for an hour. That will help. But I'm driving out to Collinsville a lot, as well as getting out and about more often. I would like to not have to be asking my parents for money as often as I have to.

4. I also really need to clean out my car. Poor Sally. It looks like I live in there. My back seat still has Oklahoma costumes in it. It's ridiculous. Just sayin'.

5. I don't think I'm going to be able to go to see Mary Poppins at the Fox, but Stevie got me a signed program. Yay Stevie! I'm very excited that she thought of me when she did this, especially because I couldn't go with her because I had a rehearsal of my own.

6. Snow White and Rumplestiltskin are both turning out to be very fun. Snow White is coming along quickly (Holy crap, we open soon!) and as far as Rumplestiltskin goes, it's nice to work with a different group of people, although, I suppose it's not that different. But I've never really acted with Greg before, and although I've been in two shows with Lori, we've never really done much together. Ricki is really fun to work with, too. Snow White is in September and Rumplestiltskin is in October. You should definitely see both!

7. Lastly, my summer of romance woes has finally come to a close. I've liked Paul, quite a lot, for quite some time, I've (namelessly) talked about him on here several times. He is the last person I thought anything would work out with - not because I liked him less, just because I doubted it - but it did. I feel like it's just been building up all summer and now it's finally happened, and I'm so happy. It hasn't made all of my problems go away. There are still hard times, days that are rough to get through, insecurities that I continue to suffer through. But I feel so much better. I found myself again. I lost faith in myself and my ability to cope with life, and I've learned that's the worst thing that I can do. I'm back on my feet though, and getting stronger every day.

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