24 August 2009

The Return

First day back to school.

It was rather ordinary, quite honestly. Woke up, drove Nicki to school, realized I forgot my parking pass, went home and went back to school.

My first class was piano, to which my first reaction was, surprise Tyler! I had no idea he was going to be in the class but it's nice to have a buddy. The piano lab is really neat. There is a computer hooked up to every piano and they are all set up with two headphone jacks: one for the student so that we can all practice during class without disturbing one another, and another for the professor so that only she is listening when you are tested. I've wanted to learn piano for a long time, so I'm very excited to finally be able to play. Also - our final is during the last week of classes, so that's one class I don't have to keep going to school for during finals week, yay!

My other Monday-Wednesday class is acting two. Michelle's classes are always pleasant yet challenging, so I've been looking forward to it. A few people I know from my acting one class, theatre club and even one guy I did a show with a few years back are all in it. It's very small. There were only nine people there, with one missing. Our major project in the class is working with the directing students to put on a 10-minute play festival in Deecmber. I'm excited to act in a show at Meramec, even if it's a tiny one.

It seems like it will be an enjoyable semester. It should help boost my GPA up some as well.

Other than all of that, work is winding down for the year, and I'm sick of it and ready for it to be over. I'll probably be called off all week.

With an aching head,

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