28 August 2009


The Friday Five.

1. I auditioned for the musical, The Boy Friend, at Meramec last night. My singing went fairly well. After I sang my song, Myers had me sprint three laps around the stage and sing it again. Reading was alright. The dancing was hard. I've gotten really good at dancing in the past few years, but when I have to jump into a style of dance that I am unfamiliar with, it takes me a little longer than fifteen minutes to pick it up. I thought I was faking it a little better than I apparently was, but then again, theatre is like 99% rejection, and if you got into every show you auditioned for you wouldn't have anything to strive for. I am really disappointed that I didn't make it because I wanted to do this musical quite badly. And I just want to do any musical pretty badly. Better luck next year. Congrats to everyone who made it in!

2. Last night I also auditioned for our HEC one act, Come and Go by Samuel Beckett, and that audition was a success. I will be playing Vi. I only have about six or seven lines, but it's only about eight minutes long, and the other two characters have the same amount of lines. It's hard to explain, you kind of have to see it to understand. But I'm really excited. It goes up mid September, I'll definitely have more information on it as it nears.

3. It's really nice to see everyone at school and catch up. It was fun seeing Nicki. We aren't too close but we had to spend a lot of time together during Pterodactyls. I also caught up with Sean. And there are a few people from my Acting 1 class that I'm in classes with this semester once again. I think it's going to be quite a good few months.

4. I'm going to try and do some volunteering up at Bayless this year. I really hope Lulu goes for it. I'm leaning towards teaching theatre at the moment, so I want to do as much theatre as possible, especially in a school atmosphere. I really need to decide if I want to do this.

5. My throat is really phlegm-y today. Strangely phelgm-y, even for me, and my throat is pretty bad. It's really uncomfortable and icky. I hope I am not getting sick or anything. I've got a little too much going on at the moment, yikes!

Hacking away,

24 August 2009

The Return

First day back to school.

It was rather ordinary, quite honestly. Woke up, drove Nicki to school, realized I forgot my parking pass, went home and went back to school.

My first class was piano, to which my first reaction was, surprise Tyler! I had no idea he was going to be in the class but it's nice to have a buddy. The piano lab is really neat. There is a computer hooked up to every piano and they are all set up with two headphone jacks: one for the student so that we can all practice during class without disturbing one another, and another for the professor so that only she is listening when you are tested. I've wanted to learn piano for a long time, so I'm very excited to finally be able to play. Also - our final is during the last week of classes, so that's one class I don't have to keep going to school for during finals week, yay!

My other Monday-Wednesday class is acting two. Michelle's classes are always pleasant yet challenging, so I've been looking forward to it. A few people I know from my acting one class, theatre club and even one guy I did a show with a few years back are all in it. It's very small. There were only nine people there, with one missing. Our major project in the class is working with the directing students to put on a 10-minute play festival in Deecmber. I'm excited to act in a show at Meramec, even if it's a tiny one.

It seems like it will be an enjoyable semester. It should help boost my GPA up some as well.

Other than all of that, work is winding down for the year, and I'm sick of it and ready for it to be over. I'll probably be called off all week.

With an aching head,

23 August 2009

Bonus: Sunday Seven!

Oops...I forgot the Friday Five this time around...instead...you get a Sunday Seven!

1. Children of the Earth: Oh. My. Gosh. Iaaaanto, why, baby, why? I miss you. CotE was a thrilling ride, but I was still really disappointed in the week-long season. I feel like the fans got shafted out of a real season. At least with the janky season of Doctor Who specials, it's spread it. Torchwood this season was such a one-shot, even if we did spread it out over a few weekends. I feel like Gareth David-Lloyd really got jipped, too, not even getting a full last season.

2. I am slowly making progress on my room? I phrase that as a question because I am not sure how well the word "progress" actually describes it. I've gotten rid of an awful lot of clothes, hung up all my dresses and pants and organized some of my clothes into the very heavy dresser that I single-handedly moved into my room, and picked up some trash and old papers. But I've still got a pile of clothes left to be organized, millions of papers, and books, and decorations. I have to figure out how I'm going to get that bed and also how to organize hats and scarves and the excess of shoes that I have. Plus, I have no idea what to do with all these fucking hangers. They'll probably all go to Marble Stage eventually.

3. I still need to find a new job. Indian Hills is very quickly winding down for the season, not that I'm getting many hours anyway in this weather. I am running out of money fast. Thankfully, I've made an arrangement with Greg to trade my services (Cleaning! Get your mind out of the gutter.) for voice lessons, an hour for an hour. That will help. But I'm driving out to Collinsville a lot, as well as getting out and about more often. I would like to not have to be asking my parents for money as often as I have to.

4. I also really need to clean out my car. Poor Sally. It looks like I live in there. My back seat still has Oklahoma costumes in it. It's ridiculous. Just sayin'.

5. I don't think I'm going to be able to go to see Mary Poppins at the Fox, but Stevie got me a signed program. Yay Stevie! I'm very excited that she thought of me when she did this, especially because I couldn't go with her because I had a rehearsal of my own.

6. Snow White and Rumplestiltskin are both turning out to be very fun. Snow White is coming along quickly (Holy crap, we open soon!) and as far as Rumplestiltskin goes, it's nice to work with a different group of people, although, I suppose it's not that different. But I've never really acted with Greg before, and although I've been in two shows with Lori, we've never really done much together. Ricki is really fun to work with, too. Snow White is in September and Rumplestiltskin is in October. You should definitely see both!

7. Lastly, my summer of romance woes has finally come to a close. I've liked Paul, quite a lot, for quite some time, I've (namelessly) talked about him on here several times. He is the last person I thought anything would work out with - not because I liked him less, just because I doubted it - but it did. I feel like it's just been building up all summer and now it's finally happened, and I'm so happy. It hasn't made all of my problems go away. There are still hard times, days that are rough to get through, insecurities that I continue to suffer through. But I feel so much better. I found myself again. I lost faith in myself and my ability to cope with life, and I've learned that's the worst thing that I can do. I'm back on my feet though, and getting stronger every day.

20 August 2009


The past few days have been absolutely wonderful. Out of a dream.

My current project is to get my room clean, hopefully before school starts, which only gives me until about 10:45 a.m. on Monday. Today, I started by cleaning out the floor of my closet, and moving this heavy, heavy dresser into my closet.It's still very messy looking, but you get the idea. It's a big dresser, but I think I am gaining more space by using it than I am losing. I fit some of my shoes back onto the floor, but I think I'll need to set up at least one level of shelving on each side to accomodate the rest. Thankfully I have a shoe organizer hanging on the back of my door that helps take care of some of them.

Next on my list is getting a loft bed. Now, I have been putting a lot of research into this bed. I know they can be kind of tricky, so I'm always checking measurements and such. And I've come up with a million different layouts for my room based around a loft bed. The downside of a loft bed is that they are often quite expensive. But it's fate. Today when I was shopping for nothing in particular at Walmart with Joker, I was telling her about my plans and about how much trouble I've been having finding an afforable loft bed, when we turned the corner and found it!

It's perfect. It's $169.00, and it fits with the meaurements I need. My mattress should fit, that's the last thing I need to check. It's wide enough for a desk to fit under (actually, I think the desk I already own will fit!), and the bed's platform is high enough for me to fit my lovely orange armchair under. I want it. I need it!

Also on the wishlist:
- A mini-fridge (If I can fit one somewhere)
- This really cool shower curtain because I can't stand that we have no shelving in our shower.
- A lamp for under the bed
- A rug
- A clock
- A dry erase and/or bulletin board
- Curtains
- String lights
- A array of picture frames
- Floor pillows/cushions
- A dustbuster
- A set of luggage
- A fabric steamer

And there are a million other things I want but shouldn't really even be thinking about. So, for now, I'll be leaving you.

Planning the night away,

16 August 2009

Pinch Me

...was that a dream?

I sure hope not.

14 August 2009

BIOS Screen of Death?

Friday Five:

1. Once again, I am forced to steal time on my brother's computer. Mine won't boot up, it gets stuck on the BIOS screen. I fear for it's life...Hopefully I will get it to Clayton soon and he will save it. At least it's not the blue screen of death. Oh I hope it's able to be saved. I really can't afford a new computer right now.

2. Nunsense A-Men's opening went well...it definitely needed an audience. Still, would have been nice to see a bigger one than what we got, especially considering that almost no one in the audience paid (lots of Marble Stage members, who get a free ticket, came, as well as two Arts for Life judges). I'm a little worried we won't break even.

3. End of the season at work. Bittersweet. I really love the job, and almost everyone I work with. So much. Also, exhausting, because everyone is leaving for college, which leaves a significantly smaller portion of us to work. Oh well...I guess I'll be making more money.

4. I just realized I only have about two weeks until my audition for The Boyfriend at Meramec. Greg and I have done NO preparation. Fuck.

5. I still need to find a new job for during the school year.

Exhausted as usual,

EDIT: I fixed my computer. I'm an idiot.

13 August 2009

This Time

It's 4 a.m. and I'm wide awake
Waiting for my thoughts to fade
A flickering of all of my mistakes
And as the light starts creeping in
I slowly feel
The day I'm missing
But I wouldn't even know where to begin

Do I push to hard?
Or fall to fast?
The moment never seems to last
Will I stop long enough to know

Everybody burns
And when it starts to hurt,
I cry
I feel it in my veins
I just can't walk away,
This time

Your words circle in my head
Weigh so heavy on my chest
And I'm crushed by your expectation
I only want to do some good
Too dumb to know if I could
And I just wanna feel the days I'm in

Do I go to far,
Not far enough?
Why can't I keep my big mouth shut?
And do we lead the life that we should?

Everybody burns
And when it starts to hurt,
I cry
I feel it in my veins
I just can't walk away,
This time

Did I say to much again?
I'm just a girl in a panic
If I tell you my truth
Am I getting through?
It just seems I should confess
Who am I to pretend
This is more than I can carry

Everybody burns
And when it starts to hurt,
I cry
I hold my head up high
I know I'll be alright
This time
I feel it in my veins
I just can't walk away
This time
This time,
This time
This time,
This time

It's 4 am and I'm wide awake
Waiting for my thoughts to fade
It's times like these I see your face

Vanessa Carlton, "This Time"

Singing away my sorrows,

08 August 2009

Nice To Meet You, Rose, Now Run For Your Life!

(Late) Friday Five time! (Sorry folks, forgot to post this over here after I posted it on LJ.)

1. I'm ready for school to start. I need more of a routine...work and one show (that is about to end) just aren't enough. I need to be busy to be happy. I've got too much time to relax right now...and that means too much time to think. Also, I just can't wait for my classes. I have a wonderful schedule (see below!) Friday's off!

2. I'm slowly, but not quite surely, cleaning my room. I may be deluding myself, but I think I'm making minute progress. Which is better than no progress right? It's been horrendously messy all summer. Normally, I would clean it before I got busy, so that it would get quite so bad. Or, I would be forced to clean it because we were moving. Which was a possibility. A possibility I wouldn't rule out for the next year or so. That's what sucks about renting a house...they can just refuse to renew your lease, and that's that.

3. I really need to find a new job. I don't want to go back to JKidz, and the pool closes on Labor Day, after which I'll get my last check. Thankfully, I'll probably be getting extra hours when everyone who goes to school out of town leaves, but still. It's not gonna be that much more money. I think I'm going to apply at Quik Trip, Best Buy, and the dollar store in Yorkshire Plaza (if they're still hiring). Any other ideas? None of those exactly thrill me.

4. Twitter is broken. Not everyone's, just a lot of people's. I get everyone's updates, but I can't update (mobile, web, or application, although commenting on Twitpic DID work), I can't delete or reset my phone, and I can't follow anyone new. Nothing is responding to me. Why, Twitter, whyyyyyy?

5. I love Doctor Who. So freaking much. It's ridiculous. I'm having Kelby going through from the beginning of the new series. I think I'm having more fun that he is :D

Class Piano I - MW - 11:00am-11:50am
Acting II - MW - 12:30pm-1:45pm
Stagecraft - TTh - 9:30am-10:45am
Cornerstone (Shakespeare in Film) - TTh - 11:00am-12:15pm
Choir - TTh - 12:30pm-1:45pm

Yay! Out before 2 every day, and no Fridays! :D

Signing off,

03 August 2009

Fuck You.

Fuck you, you dumb asshole. You act like things "didn't work out" but you didn't even give them a chance to work out, didn't even try to work them out with me. Things got rough and I wanted to work them out. You chose to give up on me, which makes me feel fantastic, let me tell ya. It feels awesome when I am not even worth working things out with. Thanks. So stop moping and acting all depressed because things "didn't work out between us and that's sad" because it was your own fucking choice.

-Don't tell me you tried to hang out with me and that I already had plans. You never once asked me to hang out, and I asked you twice and you turned me down.
-Don't tell me I didn't want to be with you.
-Don't you dare tell me that you cared more about me.
-Don't try and cop out of the conversation because you think I'm being argumentative/sarcastic/etc...especially when I am not.
-Don't act like I was avoiding you for parties...I was bonding with my cast, (when did sitting around restaurants become a party?) I have the right to do that, don'tcha think?
-Stop being a douche bag. Just sayin'

Royally pissed,

02 August 2009

I Was Thinking....

Just a few stray thoughts:

- Everytime you call me "kid", my heart sinks a little bit.
- If I'm not getting dropped on my ass by some guy, I have to be the bitch myself.

I'm wearing down...I need a break. I'm glad that I don't work until Tuesday...that's one thing I don't have to worry about. Monday will be especially nice.

Lost in thought,